A Little Under the Weather… I’ve got the flu. Bummer:( My wife was sick the entire month and I thought I excaped getting it… Nope. I’m going to make this a quick post because I’m nautious and delirious. Did I spell nautious right? Anyway....
A Little Under The Weather… I’ve got the flu. Bummer:( My wife was sick the entire month and I thought I escaped getting it… Nope. I’m going to make this a quick post because I’m cautious and delirious. Did I spell cautious right? Anyway....
There comes a time… There comes a time after you’ve been online for a while that you realize that you know what YOU need to do to succeed online. YOU’ve decided what is YOUR opportunity. You have acheived a level of knowledge that makes the path...
The Internet Community It’s amazing really. The longer you hang out online the more you realise how small the internet community is. Sure there are millions of people online, but there are tight communities people hang in… I run into people I know in...